Akala Lemus
Healing Salts Demo

Healing Salts Demo

Daily Pampering Skin Care Routine
vegan, delicious, delectable
I have always believed in leading by example, but I wasn't always a vegan, (see for yourself @drakalalemus).
Discontinuing the consumption of animal products is only one of many choices I have made in my life
for myself - for my own health and wellbeing.
"Its an interesting experience when you make a choice to live a lifestyle that makes you feel your best,
because the benefit truly is selfish at its core,
Fact: 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef
As I was "re-learning how to cook," I most commonly found inspiration for new recipes on YouTube and Pinterest. More recently however, I have been really inspired by who I follow on Instagram.
Soon after diving into veganism ~ cold turkey ~ despite what little I had been taught about nutrition from going to grad school for Chiropractic - it was still more than what most people had been taught, yet I still made a lot of mistakes that newb vegans make which could have made my transition potentially unsafe.
When I realized that if as a doctor I was finding it difficult to know exactly what my body needed at first, and to find guidance or quality information for the path of nutrition and wellness I was seeking, then others may also benefit from me sharing my experience ~ once I felt like I had something to share that is.
When I made my decision I still was busy in full time practice.
So every day, being an example of what I was teaching,
(which lets face it - is RARE among health practitioners regardless of what their specialty or background is)
I came to understand, is what the community I attracted truly valued @H3 (Hands On Holistic Healing).
I've always collected recipes, and I even have family recipe boxes and books. But I took this to a different degree.
In 2015 I began to record not only my recipes, but the entire journey of how I was
safely and successfully "getting off animal" in order to one day share my experience.
And this is how CryptoRecipes was born..
For me, the hardest parts of maintaining a healthy routine for feeding myself homemade nutrient dense quality food, always comes down to meal planning and prep.
So, in Oct 2017, in order to help myself, I created a channel on Telegram to record all of my cooking madness in action: t.me/cryptorecipes.
I created this website in June 2018, to share my recipes with those who are also interested in
living a long joyful life and feeling young, healthy and vibrant while living;
all while doing it guilt free knowing that your diet supports a positive global shift at such a critical time in history.
All of my record keeping has helped me re-create that list of go-to recipes I had so that every time I eat, I don't spend so much time "re-thinking." Now, I literally dream of new recipes, and make new ones up on the fly all the time. Just like I did before making the switch to eating healing, high frequency, nutrient dense foods.
Cooking has been, and always will be, a lifetime passion of mine - after all, you are what you eat.
I am truly grateful to be able to share my joy with the world; thanks technology <3
With my background in health, I can confidently say
you do not need a doctorate to be exactly the doctor you need
to get yourself back onto thee road to health and well being.
It all starts with YOU making choice, after choice .. after choice to LOVE YOURSELF,
by making choices where the reward reflects SELF LOVE.
Discovering what your body needs to feel it's best, is a journey.
Explore my site and all that I have to offer;
perhaps you will find some of what I have to offer helpful in your own journey as well.
eye facilitate one's individual healing jovrney by creating S.P./\.C.3.
for thee rearrangement ov thine heart, meyenÐ, bowdie & sovl
in thee comfort ov thine home, ovt in natvre & / OR Virtu/\lly.
3Y3 dew sevv by utilizing meye extensive experience as a NUCCA Specific Chiropractor,
the wisdom eye gained from my father ~ a surfer / a musician / an acupressure massage therapist,
& the creativity eye gained from my mother ~ a master gardener / a beautician / an astrology enthusiast.
~ in order to be ov service unto /\n0ther vvh011y, be ov service first to thine ovvn cellf ~
3Y3 rely on thee energy 3Y3 create ritualistically & create S.P./\C.3. for daily,
in meye personal /\lchemical practices ov mvsic, /\RT, /\strology, Y0G/\, nvtrition
& meye individual relationship w / Mother Earth & Father Svn.

one on one chats
in person, in nature, in virtual reality
eye facilitate thee rearrangement ov thee spaces
ov one's
heart, mind, body & sovl
~ in a ninja like wei ~
FREE 30 min Discovery call
/\1chemizing Pain with /\RT
using ART to alchemize pain.
a facilitated exploration deep within,
in order to rearrange thee spaces ov one's heart, mind, body & sovl
FREE 30 min Discovery Call
creative collaborations
if u are interested collaborating,
send me a DM